Surpassed 1000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Newcastle.

By Rui Zhao According to the data from Johns Hopkins University, there was 5 confirmed coronavirus cases on 18 March in Newcastle upon tyne, two month later, this number rises up to 1021. 151 death cases up to 1 May, the death rate is 1.4%. Since this Wednesday, the UK Government starts to ease theContinue reading “Surpassed 1000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Newcastle.”

Newcastle lockdown life: a sunny spring day in St. James Park

LLong time isolation gradually ran out of people’s patience and lower their guard. On April 23, When I went out for a walk, I saw the number of people in St. James Park was more than ever before. They stayed quietly to enjoy the sun, or just exercised: walking their dogs, running or cycling. ByContinue reading “Newcastle lockdown life: a sunny spring day in St. James Park”

Newcastle’s first night under lockdown

March 21, 2020, it is the first day that the UK Government formally asked people to stay inside and keep away from others. I walked in the street this night and luckily recorded something on this special night. It supposed to be a bustling Saturday for everyone who needs to relax and socialize, but pubs andContinue reading “Newcastle’s first night under lockdown”

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